September’s Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Pisces 2024

Pisces Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse -

The Pisces Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse is upon us! It goes official on September 17, 2024 at 7:34pm PST, though it may fall on September 18th, depending on where you are located. You’ve likely been feeling the build-up to this lunation over the past few days or weeks, but it can be hard to put your finger on exactly what’s going on.

The Pisces Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse is…

  • Subtle
  • Mystical
  • Ethereal
  • Alchemical
  • Inspired
  • Fantastical
  • Melancholic
  • Elusive

The Pisces Lunar Eclipse, is actually the first of a series of eclipses that will take place in the axis between Pisces and Virgo. Each time we have an eclipse, we kickstart a 6-month long period of changes within those signs. Today’s post does not include horoscopes (those are on my to-write list!) but I will outline what I see coming through so that hopefully you can gain some perspective on themes in your own world.

Pisces Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse

The astrology of the Pisces Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse

The foundation of September 17th’s Lunar Eclipse is a Pisces Full Moon, which means we have the Sun in Virgo opposite the Moon in Pisces. Pisces is able to illuminate the mystical qualities in what others may see as ordinary. It shows us where blessings can come through even in the most dire of circumstances.

However, since March 2023, Saturn has been in Pisces pushing for us to take responsibility over our dreams, intuition, and emotional wellbeing. Thus, our current Virgo season is colored by an expectation to get our affairs in order, to plan, and to make adjustments, all while carrying a heavy burden within our hearts.

Neptune has also been in Pisces since 2011, so each Virgo season since then has contrasted obligations with necessities.  Neptune in Pisces seeks out dreamy, transcendental experiences, meanwhile the Sun in Virgo seeks out simplification and efficiency. Yet, there is only so much you can do to plan and organize when a siren calls keep steering you off-course. 

The Pisces Moon is nestled in between Saturn and Neptune, showcasing options and desires. The Moon-Neptune conjunction reminds me of a scene in the 1997 animated film, Anastasia. The evil Rasputin is on a mission to kill all of the Romanov family tree and, upon discovering Anastasia is still alive, sends demons to infiltrate Anastasia’s mind while she is sleeping. She dreams of a picturesque scene where she is chasing after her little brother. However, she sleepwalks while the dream plays out and she nearly falls off the ship she is on. 

From Anastasia 1997 animated film

Neptune itself is the dream and the nightmare, because even the brightest red apple seemingly given to you in good will may be poisoned. You may find yourself waking from your very own nightmare now and choosing to quit the delusion, quit the substances, or quit escaping your life. Neptune opposite the Sun brings the death and dissolution of aspects of our identity, beliefs, and people who we assumed would always be there for us. 

With Saturn’s presence, this can be the realization that we do not actually have as much time as we thought we did. There may be aspects of your life you’ve wanted to change but continuously put off. Usually these are significant life steps that Saturn is asking us to step up and take responsibility for. 

The lunation ruler, Jupiter, is in Gemini squaring the Pisces Lunar Eclipse, advocating for real-world application of ideas. Where Virgo can get stuck in analysis and Pisces in procrastination, Gemini says let’s learn something new so that we can gather more information on what the best approach is for us.

Mercury in Virgo is opposite Saturn also showing us that while we think we know all of the answers and have all of the fixes, we cannot neglect learned wisdom. Our wise internal systems can be giving us all of the signals (and possibly have been for months or years), but we haven’t taken the time to learn how to “read” the messages. Building your intuition can be a key takeaway from this eclipse and a focus for the next 6 months.

Emotional literacy is also on the agenda with Mars in Cancer for the next several months. It sextiles Mercury, creating a thread of connection between feeling and logic. Sometimes we do not have the words to describe exactly what is on our mind, but creative outlets, nonverbal expression, and certain media can help us find connection.

Our communication style during the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Pisces - life in the astros

Plus, with Mars trine Saturn, if you can feel it, then you need to take inspired action. If Saturn brings up an issue, then you know it has been here for a while. Create safety within your surroundings to encourage constructive conversations and spaces to process your feelings. Somatic work, reinforcing boundaries, and advocating for your needs will be an integral part of the journey ahead.

Venus in Libra trines Jupiter and is co-present with the South Node in Libra. While not a major influence at this lunation, it does speak to the kind of balance we want to achieve within our sense of self and our value in the world. By immersing yourself in connections with others, you may notice how you have grown. Venus is building to square Pluto and saying: how can you stay true to yourself in relationships with others? The Aries North Node says don’t be afraid to ruffle some feathers–we cannot please everyone, nor do we have to shoulder that responsibility. The peace Libra strives for does not happen in the absence of conflict or stressors, but in your perspective and how you choose to carry yourself. 

Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn each trine the Virgo Sun and Mercury, as well as sextile the Pisces Moon and Neptune. You cannot control what situations or circumstances meet you, but you can control how you meet them. Maybe you’re a lot better at adapting than you think. Maybe you are more capable of rising up and owning your power in situations than you previously gave yourself credit for.

We also cannot put it past us that the outer planets are all in harmonious aspects with one another. Uranus and Pluto trine while both sextile Neptune, showing that these big foundational changes are wrapping up long-standing cycles and beckoning new dreams and visions to come through. 

At this Pisces Lunar Eclipse, we are waking from a deep slumber and no longer want to play a passive role in our own lives. Remember: lean into inspired action–not from a place of obligation, but from what your heart desires. 

Here are some questions that you can use to journal or simply reflect on the changes unfolding within you at the Pisces Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse:

  • What do I want? What does my soul want? 
  • Where have I been coasting on auto-pilot within my life? 
  • What would it look like to flip the switch and start taking an active part in my life again?
  • Is there a part of me that does not believe I’m deserving of what I want?
  • What are some changes you can see yourself making to improve these areas?

I am wishing you a fruitful Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Pisces!

full moon lunar eclipse pisces september 2024

For added support around this time, you can book a reading with me. I recommend “Safe and Sound”, my intuitive reading. Learn more here.

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