What is Mercury Retrograde?

what is mercury retrograde, everything you need to know, life in the astros, astrology and tarot

Mercury is the planet that rules over all things thought, communication, and idea-related. Thus, Mercury Retrograde has a particularly potent power over thought processes. You might be rationalizing ideas, situations, and choices that you would not even consider pursuing during a non-retrograde period of time. The purpose of this post isn’t to tell you to double check the spelling on your essays or back up your computer files. Instead, it is to share how to keep a vigilant eye out for patterns and problematic situations. This way, you can (hopefully) avoid a costly mistake.

The little mistakes that you face during a Mercury Retrograde can be reminders to slow down. It is necessary to take pause and be more thoughtful with your words and how you communicate. The larger mistakes can come from trying to rush ahead when the cosmos are specifically saying, “Slooow down!” 

Mercury pre-shadow period

Prior to when Mercury stations retrograde, there is a period of approximately 2 ½ weeks that will be affected by the clouded thought processes and subtle misunderstandings. During the “pre-shadow” phase, as it has come to be known, this is a key time to be observant. Whatever occurrences play out during pre-shadow will be touched on again. And again. Once while Mercury is in forward motion, a second time when it pedals backwards, and a third time when it takes forward motion again.

Spinning backwards: a moment to pause and rethink

The “backwards” nature of the retrograde (I put backwards in quotes because the planet does not actually spin backwards but simply gives the appearance that it does) invites moments from your past back into your present. Any ideas you had begun and forgotten about, plans that were never forged beyond the drawing board, or people with whom you may have loose ends needing to be tied up can all come forward during Mercury Retrograde. 

You essentially won’t know what you need to see clearly until the Mercury retrograde begins, revealing what was hidden or misguided. By the same thread, you won’t have the clarity to overcome the situations revealed until Mercury goes direct. Thus, it is highly encouraged to soak up what this period of time wishes to show you and not feel too rushed to take action just yet.

What happens during a Mercury Retrograde?

To add a bit more specificity around what exactly would be coming into focus during a Mercury retrograde, consider what sign the transit is occurring in and what house is ruled by that sign in your natal chart. Themes of that house will be extra prevalent. You may find yourself overextending yourself or possibly developing a fresh perspective around that area of your life.

As a general rule of thumb, Mercury retrograde does tend to happen about 3x each year in one modality. Typically, the retrogrades will all be in Earth signs, Air signs, Water signs, or Fire signs. Occasionally, a Mercury retrograde might might transit two signs (e.g. Libra and Virgo) but each modality will have a set of recurring themes.

Mercury retrograde by modality:

Earth signs: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn tend to bring up themes around work, money, and tangible resources

Air signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius tend to bring up themes around relationships, a higher than normal emphasis on communication, and ideas

Water signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces tend to bring up themes around sharing feelings, accessing intuition, and emotional wellbeing

Fire signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius tend to bring up themes around rushing to take action, contemplating “the right move”, and learning patience and consideration

Mercury retrograde by house:

1, 7, & 11 are houses that may affect any relationships with others

2, 6, & 10 are houses may affect work/income and physical health

3, 5, 9 are houses that may affect creative thinking and beliefs

4, 8, & 12 are houses that may affect home and private matters

Retrograde regrets

Often, the things you regret the most are often the things you thought were iffy or bad decisions from the beginning. Nothing feels worse than betraying your intuition and proceeding to do something that feels like a big, fat, NO. When it’s retrograde season, you can still feel intuitive hits. However, you may be more likely to dismiss them. Your spidey senses simply aren’t tingling as sharply at this time. Thus, it can be hard to identify red flags…even when they’re waving right in front of your eyes.

Now is not the time to get experimental. Aim for repeating what’s tried and true or making slight improvements to something you’re already familiar with. If you’re planning a trip to the hairdresser, perhaps stick with a cut and color that you’ve already tried. It’s not the time for trying something new. When heading out to dinner, perhaps revisit a restaurant you haven’t been to in a few months instead of seeking out a new place. As well, prioritize reconnecting with preexisting friends and connections. Seeking out new ones at this time is not as cosmically supported. New developments during a Mercury Retrograde have a tendency to either go wrong or just not quite stick in a meaningful way.

Things to put on pause:

  • Dates, meetings, vacations, interviews, or social gatherings that were not already scheduled in advance (before pre-shadow)
  • Creating an entirely new project, product, direction, hobby, or area of focus (you might find it doesn’t make much headway after the retrograde ends)
  • Deciding any long-term plans–such as getting into a relationship, hiring an employee, forming a business partnership, or taking on a new task–that will affect your future in any significant way
  • Making any expensive purchases, especially ones without a clear return/refund policy 

Things to spend time on:

  • Reaching out to friends or connections that you haven’t spoken to in a while
  • Picking up that book, TV show, personal goal, or hobby that you forgot about
  • Bettering your craft, improving your skills, revising your projects or proposals, or researching information for possible future plans
  • Clean up areas of your home, office, yard, or even cell phone that have become cluttered
  • Read through your diary/journal if you have one, or return to writing in your journal
  • Communicating clearly and effectively with those around you, as much as possible
  • Self-reflection, considering where you’ve been going and where you’d like to go
  • Coming back to the foundations and making sure you are meeting your basic needs

What to do during Mercury retrograde

The precautionary rhetoric that is spouted around Mercury retrograde advises against starting new plans. It is said to avoid taking action on new ideas or beginning new relationship endeavors. I do not think cold and hard rules help any of us feel better about this very natural part of Mercury’s cycle. Instead, I’d like to say: the retrograde wants us to slow down and be observant. When we slow down, we can remember our why. We can revisit our purpose or intentions and redirect our energy. If we were giving too much towards unfulfilling endeavors, now we can make adjustments to align with what truly serves us at this present time. 

Mercury post-shadow period

After Mercury stations direct, there is still approximately 2 ½ weeks required until it is fully out of the retrograde territory. Remember: this is when Mercury is traversing over the same degrees for a third time. Once it has passed these degrees, you’re completely out of the fog. Nonetheless, once Mercury stations direct, it may very much feel like a veil has lifted. It can feel as though the rose-colored lenses that were clouding your vision are cleared away. Now you can (start to) see what you neglected to see before. It can be the difference between night and day. You may find that your energy levels feel replenished or that your inspiration has returned. Either way, allow yourself the time you need to integrate any messages or learnings from the retrograde before blasting forward at full speed.

Final words on Mercury retrograde

I invite you to make friends with Mercury retrograde and it will be a friend to you. It helps us tune into the ways we want to, or need to, improve. As well, it helps support us with time, thought, and opportunities to make adjustments. 

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Mercury Retrograde Explained - Your Guide to Everything You Need to Know About This Transit - life in the astros