October’s New Moon & Solar Eclipse in Libra 2024

New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Libra 2024

The final Solar Eclipse in Libra for the Aries-Libra nodal cycle takes place October 2, 2024 at 11:49am PST. Here, we celebrate both a release and an awakening to the brighter path we have ahead for us.

A Solar Eclipse is essentially a New Moon in conjunction with the lunar nodes. This powerful lunation brings to conscious awareness the changes that have occurred within the Libra-ruled sector of our charts. These changes officially began in July 2023 and will carry forward until January 2025. 

Before we proceed, if you are reading this as it is published, I want to let you know about a special discount available. For the entirety of Libra season, I am offering 20% OFF of my readings using the code BDAY20 when you book with me here. It’s my birthday month, so I wanted to gift you something in return for being part of my community. But don’t wait–this offer expires October 22, 2024.

Now back to the New Moon and Solar Eclipse….

A refresher on South Node in Libra themes

Libra, in general, brought up and continues to bring up themes of balancing dynamics within relationships. This cardinal air sign is naturally a giver, and fine-tunes itself to be what others need. At its best, Libra’s consideration and charm help promote harmony and collaboration amongst others. At its worst, it loses itself in the identity that best suits the situation and zaps its characteristic sparkle.

New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Libra october 2024

In some ways, having the ability to gracefully orchestrate the harmony of other people might have felt like a skill. Yet, with the South Node in Libra, we may have had to go through extremes of giving too much. It is only once we have given beyond our personal energy and still do not feel appreciated that we question why we ever overextended ourselves. Maybe, this helped bring to light people-pleasing tendencies and weak boundaries that cause us to push ourselves out of integrity. 

To keep giving beyond our capacity pulls us out of our authenticity and perpetuates a facade that we can be everything to everyone. Through the journey of the North Node in Aries, we realized not enough energy was being put into ourselves. Our lives get better when we invest in understanding who we are–whether that is through hobbies, simplifying social circles, or learning about ourselves, such as through a natal chart reading. The takeaway is not to overgive or undergive, but to restore a reasonable balance.

The New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Libra

The Libra influence is strong at this New Moon and Solar Eclipse, with South Node, Sun, Moon, Lilith, and Mercury all in sign. However, this particular lunation is ruled by Venus in Scorpio. 

Although Venus is not typically in a favorable position while in Scorpio, this placement serves the Libra Solar Eclipse well. It is as though Venus, Libra’s ruler, is saying, “If you cannot handle me when I’m being myself, then you don’t deserve me at all.” We are open to complexity, but need to feel an even give-and-take for a relationship, friendship, or situation of any kind to last. As well, since Venus in Scorpio is known for its privacy, depth, and mystery, we may feel desires brewing but are not quite sure if they are worth acting on.

New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Libra October 2024

Interestingly enough, this Solar Eclipse is exactly conjunct Lilith in Libra. Lilith is a non-physical astrological configuration representative of where we hold desires, usually of a taboo nature. How does this impact the eclipse? Well, at the Libra New Moon and Solar Eclipse, we are casting our wishes and intentions for the way we want to show up and for what we will allocate our energy toward in the coming month (and next 6 months, actually). Lilith brings a sense of empowered heroism to this Solar Eclipse. We realize that we have the ability to set our personal standards and freedom to align with people and situations that appreciate who we truly are. 

In the Libra domain, Mercury also has an influence. We have a unique opportunity to pinpoint exactly what it is we want and execute. The Sun highlights the progress we have made over the past year and the Moon expresses embodiment. Mercury, then, may be inclined to share, educate, and converse over these Libran topics. It is still under Venus in Scorpio’s influence, too, so conversations at this time may be with a selected and trusted few. Around this time, we could have an important conversation with a partner or close friend. If there have been decisions you have held back from making, now you may have the information and motivation to act.

The caution here, comes from Mars in Cancer squaring the Libra Sun, Moon, Mercury, South Node, and Lilith. Themes of impatience, hot-headedness, emotional regulation, stress reduction, and conflict are present. We may be feeling impulsive to sever ties with those close to us to pave way for our empowered future. However, if possible, try opening the door to negotiation. For some, frustration and impulsive action right now may lead to remorse later. 

Another expression of the square is doubting our abilities and progress. We may see better for ourselves, but still hesitate based on how others may perceive the choices we want to make. Libra and Cancer are both signs that like to consider other people when making decisions, but that is not always information that is necessary or accessible. Focus on strengthening your internal compass and know that disagreement can be constructive, too.

Additional key influences at the Solar Eclipse

Despite this eclipse being the last one in Libra, it is far from an absolute ending.

As mentioned earlier, Venus is the dispositor of this Solar Eclipse. We see it forming a close water trine with Saturn in Pisces and Mars in Cancer. Venus can encourage us to feel confident, assertive, and highly in touch with our senses. Yet, there is a taste of intrigue and desire in an area that we might not have expected. Pleasant gifts, achievements, and inspiration come through now with Venus trine Saturn.

Saturn offers Venus a more mature lens to how we carry ourselves and what we stand for. Have you been saying “no” when you mean no? Is your worth a solid understanding within you? Does the way you use your time align with your values? Now could be a time when your hard work of building self-love and boundaries is clear. Alternatively, you may recognize where it is necessary to start implementing them.

With Mars, now is also constructive energy for finding the flow in the goals, projects, and opportunities we want to invest in. We may recognize a greater purpose, calling, or even a relationship enter our lives at this time. There can be an internalized pressure to “please”, for the sake of harmony, with Mars and Venus trine one another. For many, this dynamic can show up with family members–it is a feeling that you just can’t say no to them. 

Yet, Mars is also in trine to Saturn asking us to be considerate of our energy and resources. If we put off what needs to happen, then this will be something that likely comes up again when Mars retrogrades through Cancer in early 2025. Embrace the cautious excitement, but remember that the things worth having cannot be rushed.

New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Libra October 2024

Jupiter in Gemini, while not making aspects at this New Moon, reminds us of the growth opportunities present in learning, communication, and connection. Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn trine, helping to revise the structures that support us. With Neptune in sextile to both, a future is being reimagined. What we intuitively feel drawn towards is calling to us for a reason.

After much loss, discord, and turbulence with the series of eclipses in Aries and Libra, it might have seemed like we were ready to write off relationships or intimate connections completely. We are still on the journey of greater self-awareness and balancing our needs with the needs of others. However, this Solar Eclipse points toward a door opening. It is not enough to just release the old without making space for the new. So, through this door, you have the chance to apply and test out your embodied realizations, standards, and values in new waters.

Some journal prompts to explore the New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Libra even further:

  • What cycles, patterns, or realizations are coming full circle within my life?
  • In what ways do I feel like I’ve grown personally (especially since July 2023)?
  • Are there parts of my past that I no longer relate with? 
  • What beliefs about myself and my value have I taken on? What beliefs do I want to rewrite?
  • Do I have standards in place for myself and the kinds of people I allow in my life?
  • How can I remind myself of my standards going forward?

We will continue to have the lunar nodes in Aries and Libra through January 2025, so the next several months will give you continued time to explore and integrate the teachings from October 2nd’s Solar Eclipse. We will also be inching into a new nodal cycle, as introduced with the Pisces Lunar Eclipse in September 2024. So, lots of endings and beginnings are unfolding at once!

I am wishing you all of the peace and self-trust to guide you forward. Have a happy New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Libra!

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New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Libra october 2024

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